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YOGA for Beginners: seven keys to do it well.

YOGA for Beginners: seven keys to do it well.

Back to school, back to work after the holidays, back to routine, does that ring a bell? Yeah? That's autumn. The days are smaller, there are fewer hours of sunlight and there seems to be no exit at the end of the tunnel. But autumn is also the season of beginnings and you, who complain about being all day from work to home and from home to work, can also revitalize your mind and body. How? By signing up for yoga. Yoga is a sport (yes), based on a meditation technique that is very common in Hinduism and that cultivates the body, mind and soul. "Discovered" in the West in the 1960s has become a worldwide phenomenon, a way to counteract the anxiety and stress caused by the unusual pace of modern life.

If you are a first timer or a first timer it will probably cost you a little more to get into it - we've all been through it - but the benefits of yoga are infinite next to doing nothing, which is what will probably happen if you don't stop the routine you've set for yourself until next spring.

That's why we offer you these seven tips to keep in mind if you're just getting started with this spiritual sport. Take note!

1. Motivation. It is essential to be motivated. Do not sign up for any activity if you are going to depend on someone else - a friend, a family member, etc. - to go. If you sign up it is because you are motivated, because you feel like it and because you know it is good for your body and mind. Yoga is synonymous with will, patience and discipline.

2. Continuity. No going for two days and when you don't see results, stop going. Forbidden! At least you should practice this philosophy for four weeks, the minimum time to install yourself in a routine - this time good - of exercises. This will require a bit of the discipline we talked about earlier. Just as you go to work every morning, make sure you go to your classes every week. It will be normal to start once or twice a week, about thirty or forty-five minutes. Are you sure you can't make that time?

3. If you do it on your own or if you go to a gym or school, it is absolutely necessary to practice this discipline in a suitable environment. A luminous space if possible, free of noise and that brings you peace. No attempt to practice yoga postures next to the children watching TV or in a gym with teenagers playing a basketball game next to you. It won't do you any good. We advise you to follow the instructions of a monitor to begin with. He will tell you the best way to work so that it is really effective. Then, with practice, you can start doing these exercises at home.



4. Adequate clothing. No accessories or clothes that are too tight or uncomfortable. This is not a parade. They are relaxation and meditation techniques. Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing, an exercise mat, and a non-slip floor. It's no use having the complete equipment if you're 'surfing' with your mat everywhere.

5. Patience, the mother of all science. This is how it is. Don't expect to become professionals in five minutes. You have to give time to time. Start in a calm way, controlling your breathing and your ability to concentrate and starting with simple postures. You will see the progress little by little yes, but sure.

6. Beware of injuries. Not everyone can practice yoga, however beneficial it may be. If you have injuries or fractures is contraindicated. Also, you have to be careful when practicing it. That's why point four - patience - is so important. Trying to perform advanced postures when the body is not yet ready can lead to serious injuries: injuries to tendons and joints and even fractures. Listen to your body, it will tell you when you are in an uncomfortable position or have reached the limit. Forcing yourself is not good for your health, in any case.

7. A philosophy of life. The idea of practicing yoga is to bring its teachings into real life, in which you move 24 hours a day. With yoga you will be able to learn to breathe, to meditate, to see the day-to-day problems in a different way and to make decisions in states of calm that perhaps before you were not able to obtain.

We are not going to deny it, becoming an expert in the practice of yoga can be difficult. It requires discipline and continuity. Take the exercises seriously and try to bring all your teachings into all areas of life. It is not a sport that you are going to control in the short term. You must be patient and learn little by little. Also, it is not a short-term solution. There are benefits - wellbeing is one of them - but that involves time, commitment and regularity. Are you willing? If yes, go ahead!